Why Buy it, When You Can Rent It?
Did you know that the textile industry is the second most tainted industry in the world?
Caused by the process involved and overproduction of clothing, which we are all responsible for.
Why buy a dress to wear once and leave it in the wardrobe to collect dust with all the other dresses you don’t wear?
As a mum I want to contribute to bettering the environment for my children’s future.
Say goodbye to the days you would dream of wearing a designer dress, yet simply could not afford it.
Let’s face it, the average population does not have the money to buy expensive designer brands in today’s economy.
Ajo dress hire’s vision is to give all women the opportunity to live the dream of wearing designer dresses to events, at a fraction of the price.
No matter where you are in Australia, Ajo Dress hire can provide you with a stylish outfit for your next event.
Experience looking and feeling fashionable and fabulous with Ajo Dress Hire.